Thursday, December 17, 2009

A World Without God

It's obvious that the United States is in denial of the reality of God (Jesus Christ). The reactions that people have when you mention "God" "Jesus" or "The Holy Spirit". Can human minds really handle it? What if this is just an era and this post-modern thought of being fine without God passes into history? Or maybe we're too far away into the craze to ever go back to normality. Humans tend to come to a breaking point, history shows us that we need one from time to time. I think we're part of that history, but I think it can and will get worse.

(you may click the image to make it bigger)

Why the subject? I was putting some images together for my mom for one of her classes and thought it would be interesting to blog about it. These are images off the net and I have no credit for them. Some of these are ads that you see on the subway, like the one about New Yorkers, that one is seen on the subways. (great!)

Homosexuality, abortion, drugs, alcohol, random sex (and the list goes on...)---yes, they're all "normal" for today to accept, we've all seen it, even in the church.

What's the result of it?...a world without God.

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